Monday, November 7, 2016

Government, Day 1 - Class Recap

On the roof of the Bundestag building in Berlin, Germany. This is where the government of Germany meets. Photo taken in 2013.

Hi everyone,

Welcome to a shortened week, with Veterans Day on Friday and a staff development day on Thursday! I really enjoyed the discussion today in class. I'm sure it was a nice change from all of the writing students have had to do in the last few days for the class! Here's what happened in class:

Learning Targets:
Knowledge LT 17: I can explain how and why world societies organize themselves and how power is established and maintained.
Communication LT 1:  I can use language and  style that is appropriate to the content area.

Soundtrack: "The Final Countdown" by Europe. Selected for today because it is the final countdown (of hours!) until the end of the 2016 Presidential Election! Lyrics here.

AGENDA 11/7/16:
News Brief – Gayuni
The Election
Culture Presentations
Forced Choice

Homework: Read the blog. Watch the election coverage tomorrow. Next news brief: Andrew.

News Brief: Gayuni had the news brief today and selected an article about this story: -  Migrant crisis: 'Hundreds dead' in shipwrecks off Libya. We found Libya in our world maps and noted that we did a news brief on the country. We also discussed the sheer amount of refugees seeking a better future by risking their lives in this dangerous crossing, and how important it is to pay attention to what is going on here.

Andrew was selected to do the next news brief. I also asked about the weekend and what people were up to.

Here's the link to see the latest one minute update from BBC World News, at any time of day (it will probably be different from what we watched in class): - One-minute World News

We also watched Wildcat News today. Here it is to watch again if you are interested:

The Election: Because today is the last day before the presidential election tomorrow, I made sure to go through what is happening and when to expect results. We went through a few websites for this:

1) The election forecast. I have been showing this all semester in class, and it appears that the polls have recently tightened a bit, though Hillary Clinton is still favored to win a majority of the time. As a reminder: it is not who wins the most votes in the country, it is who wins the amount of states that add up to at least 270 electoral votes that wins.

2) A map of poll closing times for each state, when results begin to be announced. Yay for geography and maps! This map is in Pacific Time, whereas the map I showed in class was Eastern. I pointed out some keys in the early states to look for in terms of who might be ahead. Virginia and Georgia at 4:00 PM tomorrow are two examples of important indicators. At 8:00 PM on the West Coast, polls close, and it is likely that within the next couple of hours after that, we will know who will be the next President of the United States.

3) A map of how long it took to determine who won each state in 2012. Helpful to know how long things might take!

Please let me know if you have any questions about what is going on - I'm here to help you understand!

Culture Presentations: Because I wanted to give as much time in class last time to writing the DBQ, we did not have the time for presentations (for the students who chose to do a presentation for the culture project). I enjoyed everyone that went today! Thank you for your effort in crafting great presentations and visuals.

Forced Choice: One of my favorite activities of the year. I had the class answer the following questions and choose YES or NO to each of them. Then, we split up the class so that two sides were facing each other. With each question, students moved to the side they felt best represented their opinion on the matter. The questions were:

1. Giving up some of our rights (like our phones being listened to without a warrant) is necessary for our own protection.
2. The Second Amendment means that everyone in the US has the right to have any firearms that they want.
3. Same-sex marriage should be legal everywhere and government officials should have to recognize marriages that they are against on religious grounds.
4. Marijuana should be legalized everywhere for recreational use.
5. Public schools should strictly enforce a standardized dress code.
6. Organized prayer in public schools should be allowed.
7. The government of a country should be able to make decisions that the majority of the people do not support.
8. Should the motto “In God We Trust” be removed from our currency?
9. I agree with the death penalty for convicted murderers.
10. Colin Kaepernick should be able to take a knee during the national anthem if he wants and not face any team or legal consequences.

We only made it through question 4 today, so I will pick and choose next class as to which questions we will discuss and debate, before writing a reflective piece about the experience. I love these discussions and I think we did a great job of following the Ground Rules that we established at the beginning of the year. Thank you for your participation! Be ready to keep talking next time. If you have any further thoughts, please post them in the comments!

See you on Wednesday, when we will surely have lots to talk about! :-)

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